Jubal Band Ministries
God seized Omid Sabouki’s heart by giving him a dream one night, a strange taxi ride the next morning, and a Bible handed to him by the driver.
Omid was radically saved through that encounter with God in Iran, and has been passionate ever since about showing the love of Jesus to Persians and getting Bibles into their hands—just as the Father had done for him.
After fleeing Iran as a persecuted Christian in 2007, Omid founded Jubal Band Ministries (JBM) to pursue his passion through bold, creative outreach. God is blessing these efforts with rapidly increasing numbers of Persians saved and Home Churches planted.
Smyrna Monthly Magazine. Smyrna Monthly Magazine, JBM’s most effective outreach tool, is the only lifestyle magazine in country written from a Christian perspective. It presents the Gospel message, and includes articles on a variety of appealing topics that attract believers and unbelievers alike.
Videos. We produce Iranian Christian Television Programs for families (women, youth, children) to help and encourage them to grow in God’s word and for those who in need and demonstrate God’s love.
Church. We help and equip our church members in Turkey to know, identify, and grow their gifts and learn how to use those gifts to serve their families and friends in Iran and use their abilities to help non-Christians to take the necessary steps to becoming Christ followers.
Book. We wrote and published a book that includes 22 chapter about 22 women characters in the Bible. The book helps readers find their identities in Jesus and encourages them to grow as a part of God’s plan.